"Look at the donut, not the hole." ...age-old advice from one of my former coaches, reminding us to look at what we have, not what we don't

Remember, Babe Ruth may have been one of the great homerun hitters of all time, but he also struck out a lot, too. The job search is just like that, especially in this economy. Keep getting back up there and swinging for the fence!

"The majority of the word 'can't' is can." ...attributed to Betty Weaver, former CSB school director

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

No One Will Get a Job for You

I recently read the article "No One Will Get a Job for You," which I found on careerigniter.msn.com.   Though I recommend that you take a moment to read the article, the gist of it is this:  You need to be the one to "take the bull by the horns" and wrestle it to the ground.  Those who are finding success in their job searches are sometimes individuals who approach things differently.  Maybe that means breaking outside your comfort zone--being willing to commute to a job, being more aggressive in interviews and on cover letters, being more confident--and thinking outside the box.  One of the great lines from the article is this one:  "[M]any employers want someone who is proactive and not passive. People who are proactive in their job searches generate more activity than people who wait for interviews to come their way. If you were a hiring manager, wouldn't you want to hire someone who is willing to present solutions, not someone who waits for you to solve his or her problems?"  What can you do differently to position yourself better for a job?  What can you do to finally earn the job you deserve?

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